Political Science
Main research interests:
- Electoral politics
- Political participation
- Patronage politics
- Quantitative research methods
Read more on Esther Calvo's own web page: https://esthercalvo.github.io/
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Debating the Populist Pariah : Changing Party Dynamics and Elite Rhetoric in the Swedish Riksdag
Esther Calvo, Hanna Bäck, Royce Carroll
(2024) Political Research Quarterly, 77 p.950-961
Journal articleThe Philippines 2020: The gamble of populist leadership
T. Yonaha Yvan Ysmael, Esther Calvo
(2020) Asia Maior, XXXI p.205-221
Journal articleBehind the Façade: Elections under Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia
Esther Calvo
(2019) Asian Politics & Policy, 11 p.682-684
I obtained my B.A. (cum laude) and M.A. (with merit) in Political Science from the University of the Philippines Diliman and the Central European University respectively. Prior to coming to Lund, I taught in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of the Philippines Los Baños.