Political Science
Main research or teaching areas
- Comparative politics
- Political institutions
- Parties and elections
- Formal modeling
Current research and teaching
My Marie Curie project focuses on how the macroeconomic condition influences party behavior. Using formal models, quantitative text analysis, and statistical methods, the project investigates how economic downturn and growth influence parties’ convergence or differentiation on three types of issues – redistribution, public services, and non-economic issues such as gender-related policies, the environment, and immigration – during elections and in the legislature. It will also examine the impacts of sustained economic growth and decline on the development of issue salience and party polarization over time.
Link to personal page: https://www.florenceso.org/
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Serious Conflicts with Benign Outcomes? The Electoral Consequences of Conflictual Cabinet Terminations
Florence So
(2024) American Political Science Review, 118 p.1449-1463
Journal articleDon't air your dirty laundry: Party leadership contests and parliamentary election outcomes
Florence So
(2021) European Journal of Political Research, 60 p.3-24
Journal articleMore spotlight, more problems? Westminster parliamentary systems and leadership replacement in large opposition parties
Florence So
(2018) Party Politics, 24 p.588-597
Journal articleThe agenda-setting power of the prime minister party in coalition governments
Christoffer Green-Pedersen, Peter B. Mortensen, Florence So
(2018) Political Research Quarterly, 71 p.743-756
Journal articleOne size doesn't fit all: Voter decision criteria heterogeneity and vote choice
Rune Stubager, Henrik Bech Seeberg, Florence So
(2018) Electoral Studies, 52 p.1-10
Journal articleAttract voters or appease activists? Opposition parties’ dilemma and party policy change
Florence So
(2018) Journal of Theoretical Politics, 30 p.246-266
Journal article
I received my PhD from UCLA; before joining the department, I was an assistant professor at the department of Political Science at Aarhus University.
Ongoing research projects
- The Impacts of Economic Growth and Decline on Party Behavior
Research environment
- Comparative politics group
Expertise for press/media
- Party politics
- Elections