Political Science
Main research and teaching areas
- Democratic theory
- Policy processes
- Critical public administration
Research and teaching
One of the challenges for democracy is the classical dilemma between democracy and expertise. My research focuses on the role of experts and expert knowledge in policy-making on emerging technologies and how this relates to democracy. This is also the core in my teaching.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
I am engaged in questions on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its effects on society in several ways.
AI Lund, an interdisciplinary open network for research, education and innovation in the field of Artificial Intelligence, coordinated by Lund University.
"Translating innovation into everyday practices – organizational action and adaptations in the development of MaaS", 2024, founded by K2.
"How will different distributions of responsibility affect the long-term development of Artificial Intelligence?", PI, 2019–2023, founded by Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation.
Coordinator of the social science master’s course AI in Society
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Distribution of responsibility for AI development: Expert views
Maria Hedlund, Erik Persson
(2025) AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication
Journal articleWho should obey Asimov's Laws of Robotics? A question of responsibility
Maria Hedlund, Erik Persson
(2024) The Ethics Gap in the Engineering of the Future : Moral Challenges for the Technology of Tomorrow
Book chapterThe Trolley Problem and Isaac Asimov's First Law of Robotics
Maria Hedlund, Erik Persson
(2024) Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy, 7
Journal articlePolitics and Expertise: How to Use Science in a Democratic Society : anmälan av Maria Hedlund
Maria Hedlund
(2024) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 126 p.176-180
ReviewAI and epigenetic responsibility
Maria Hedlund
(2024) Epigenetics and responsibility : Ethical perspectives , p.110-128
Book chapterEthicisation and reliance on ethics expertise
Maria Hedlund
(2024) Res Publica, 30 p.87-105
Journal articleExpert responsibility in AI development
Maria Hedlund, Erik Persson
(2024) AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication, 39 p.453-464
Journal articleThe making of a Swedish strategy : How organizational culture shaped the Public Health Agency's pandemic response
Tobias Olofsson, Shai Mulinari, Maria Hedlund, Åsa Knaggård, Andreas Vilhelmsson
(2022) SSM Qualitative Research in Health, 2
Journal articleSyntetisk biologi - en hållbar lösning på klimatkrisen?
Rajni Hatti-Kaul, Nelida Leiva Eriksson, Ingemar André, Magnus Carlquist, Maria Hedlund, et al.
PosterDistribution of forward-looking responsibility in the EU process on AI regulation
Maria Hedlund
(2022) Frontiers in Human Dynamics
Journal articleNormativ teori
Maria Hedlund
(2022) Perspektiv på offentlig förvaltning : Teori i praktiken , p.233-250
Book chapterThe future of AI in our hands? : To what extent are individuals morally responsible for guiding the development of AI in a desirable direction?
Erik Persson, Maria Hedlund
(2022) AI and Ethics, 2 p.683-695
Journal articleYttrande över Europeiska kommissionens förslag till förordning om harmoniserade regler för artificiell intelligens
Johan Axhamn, Stefan Larsson, Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Sonja Aits, Maria Hedlund, et al.
Consultation responseSweden
Tobias Olofsson, Andreas Vilhelmsson, Maria Hedlund, Åsa Knaggård, Shai Mulinari
(2021) Comparative Covid Response : Crisis, Knowledge, Politics
Report chapterSome challenges in connection with the construction of a Massive Open Online Course on ethical and societal aspects of AI
Erik Persson, Maria Hedlund, Lena Lindström, Karima Kandi, Deana Nannskog
(2021) Hållbart lärarskap : universitetsundervisning i förändring – Proceedings från Humanistiska och Teologiska fakulteternas pedagogiska inspirationskonferens 2020 , p.99-110
Conference paperNär maskiner fattar beslut - vem är ansvarig?
Maria Hedlund
(2020) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 122 p.545-565
Journal articleHow Will the Emerging Plurality of Lives Change? : How We Conceive of and Relate to Life?
Erik Persson, Jessica Abbott, Christian Balkenius, Anna Cabak Rédei, Klara Anna Capova, et al.
(2019) Challenges
Journal articleArtificiell intelligens: vems ansvar?
Maria Hedlund
(2017) LIV : Utomjordiskt, syntetiskt, artificiellt , p.169-185
Book chapterEthics expertise in political regulation of biomedicine: the need of democratic justification
Maria Hedlund
(2014) Critical Policy Studies
Journal articleGenetics and democracy-what is the issue?
Niclas Hagen, Maria Hedlund, Susanne Lundin, Shai Mulinari, Ulf Kristoffersson
(2012) Journal of Community Genetics
Journal articleInformationskompetens – generella färdigheter för fördjupat lärande
Terese Anving, Björn Badersten, Linda Grandsjö, Jakob Gustavsson, Maria Hedlund, et al.
(2012) Proceedings, Lunds universitets utvecklingskonferens 11 , p.107-116
Conference paperEditorial: Genetics and Democracy
Maria Hedlund, Niclas Hagen, Ulf Kristoffersson
(2012) Journal of Community Genetics, 3 p.57-59
Journal article (letter)Why are expert committee deliberations in need of democratic control?
Maria Hedlund
Conference paperWhy does inclusion of political representatives in advisory expert committees hamper democracy?
Maria Hedlund
Conference paperDemocratic expert influence through bioethical advisory commissions? The case of Sweden
Maria Hedlund
(2010) Quality Issues in Clinical Genetic Services
Book chapterDemokratiska genvägar : Expertinflytande i den svenska lagstiftningsprocessen om medicinsk genteknik
Maria Hedlund
(2007) Lund Political Studies
DissertationHinder för demokratiskt inflytande: Om konsten att utöva makt genom att definiera bort problem från den demokratiska agendan
Maria Hedlund
Conference paperDemokrati för politiker? : om medborgerligt deltagande och kommunpolitikerroller i Skåne och Kalmar län
Maria Hedlund
Book'Tobin or not Tobin...' En prövning av Albert O. Hirschmans reaktionsteori: fallet Attac på ledarsidorna i fem svenska dagstidningar våren 2001
Maria Hedlund
(2001) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 104 p.302-304
Journal article
Ph.D. at Lund University in 2007. Post doc in Lund 2011–2012. Appointed an Excellent Teacher Practioner (ETP) in 2012. Researcher in Pufendorf Institute themes: Epigenetics 2009–2010, A Plurality of Lives theme 2016–2017, Synthetic Biology 2022.
Research groups
Public Administration Theory Group (PAT), Lund University
Gender Research Group, Lund University
EU Research Group, Lund University