Main research and teaching areas
- Peace and Conflict Research
- International Relations
- Security Studies
Current Research and Teaching
Roxanna Sjöstedt's research and teaching are centered around security studies, international relations theory, securitization, international interventions, norm diffusion, and non-military threats. She is the director of peace and conflict studies and lectures and supervises at all levels. She is principal investigater of the project 'Intervention by Invitation. Why States ask for Help', which examines when, how, and why states request international interventions to handle domestic unrest. She is also PI for the project 'The Consequences of Securitization' that investigates threat constructions in relation to pandemics. Roxanna has been published in, for example, European Journal of International Security, Security Studies, Journal of Peace Research, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Security Dialogue, Cooperation and Conflict, Foreign Policy Analysis, Journal of International Relations and Development, International Relations, and Journal of Political Science Education.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Sweden’s Role in International Security Affairs: Officially Non-Aligned but Ready to Serve
Roxanna Sjöstedt, Erik Noreen
(2024) Neutrality After 1989: New Paths in the Post-Cold War World , p.22-35
Book chapterForeign Policy Analysis and Securitization
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2024) The Oxford Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis , p.172-188
Book chapterSocializing Warlord Democrats: Analyzing Violent Discursive Practices in Post-Civil War Politics
Roxanna Sjöstedt, Mimmi Söderberg Kovacs, Anders Themnér, Henrik Persson
(2024) International Studies Review, 26
Journal articleDiscourse Analysis and Discourse Theory
Falk Ostermann, Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2023) Routledge Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis Methods , p.101-116
Book chapterWhen peace nations go to war: Examining the narrative transformation of Sweden and Norway in Afghanistan
Roxanna Sjöstedt, Erik Noreen
(2021) European Journal of International Security, 6 p.318-337
Journal articleBuying Them Off or Scaring Them Straight: Explaining Warlord Democrats’ Electoral Rhetoric
Anders Themnér, Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2020) Security Studies, 29 p.1-33
Journal articleSecuritization Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2019) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics : World Politics
Book chapterAssessing Securitization Theory: Theoretical Discussions and Empirical Developments
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2019) Routledge Critical Security Studies , p.28-46
Book chapterDemagogues of hate or shepherds of peace? Examining the threat construction processes of warlord democrats in Sierra Leone and Liberia
Roxanna Sjöstedt, Mimmi Söderberg Kovacs, Anders Themnér
(2019) Journal of International Relations and Development, 22 p.560-583
Journal articleBeyond compliance : Recognition, solidarity and minority rights in post-accession Estonia
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2018) Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 24 p.158-180
Journal articleRecension av Julie Wilhelmsen, Russia’s Securitization of Chechnya: How War Became Acceptable
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2018) Nordisk Østforum , p.51-53
ReviewStatsvetenskapliga perspektiv
Hanna Bäck, Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2017) Samhällskunskap för lärare 4-9
Book chapterWhy small states join big wars: the case of Sweden in Afghanistan 2002-2014
Roxanna Sjöstedt, Erik Noreen, Jan Ångström
(2017) International Relations, 31 p.145-168
Journal articleThe travelling of threat images: : Book review of Security in Translation: Securitization Theory and the Localization of Threat
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2016) Cooperation and Conflict, 51 p.248-249
ReviewAssessing a broad teaching approach : The impact of combining active learning methods on student performance in undergraduate peace and conflict studies
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2015) Journal of Political Science Education, 11
Journal articleIdeas, identity, and internalization. Explaining securitizing moves
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2013) Cooperation and Conflict, 48 p.143-164
Journal articleHealth issues and securitization: HIV/AIDS as a US national security
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2011) Securitization theory. How security problems emerge and dissolve
Book chapterHow does a threat become salient? The case of swine flu in Sweden.
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2011) Issue Salience in International Politics
Book chapterTalking threats: The social construction of national security in Russia and the United States
Roxanna Sjöstedt
DissertationExploring the construction of threat: The securitization of HIV/AIDS in Russia
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2008) Security Dialogue, 39 p.7-29
Journal articleThe discursive origins of a doctrine: Norms, identity, and securitization under Harry S. Truman and George W. Bush
Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2007) Foreign Policy Analysis, 3 p.233-254
Journal articleEstonian identity formations and threat framing in the post-Cold War era
Erik Noreen, Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2004) Journal of Peace Research, 41 p.733-750
Journal article
Roxanna Sjöstedt holds a PhD from the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University and is Associate Professor of Political Science at Lund University. Her fields of research and teaching are, among others, IR theory, Security studies, and International interventions.
Current Projects
Roxanna Sjöstedt is project leader for the project, Intervention by Invitation: Why States Ask for Help, funded by the Swedish Research Council 2018-2021. The project probes the question of why, how, and when a state allows external military intervention in handling its domestic affairs. Although knowledge on the decision-making process related to third party interveners is extensive, we know next to nothing about why a state would ask for assistance in the first place. The project aims to explore the conditions under which states ask for help during periods of political unrest and to whom they turn to for assistance.
Roxanna is also project leader for the project The Consequences of Securitization funded by Formas 2021-2024. The project examines actors' threat constructions in relation to pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, A(H1N1), och Covid-19.
Completed Projects
Warlord Democrats (2014-2019)
Co-applicant (Project leader, Anders Themnér)
Funded by the Swedish Scientific Council, development research & the Marcus och Amalia Wallenberg Memorial Foundation
Exploring norm diffusion and socialization: The EU and post-Soviet states (2011-2013)
Project leader, post-doc project
Funded by SYLFF, The Sasakawa Young Leader's Fellowship Fund Committee, Tokyo Foundation/Nippon Foundation