Statsvetenskap | Freds- och konfliktforskning
- Ravensbrückarkivet och kvinnors vittnesmål om förintelsen
- Minnespolitik och kulturarv
- Fredsbyggande, övergångsrättvisa och gender
- Sårbara städer och urbant fredsbyggande
- Post-konfliktuella samhällen och statsbyggnad
Pågående forskning
Annika Björkdahl leder två forskningsprojekt; Beyond the Archive: Gendering Holocaust knowledge production through women’s testimonies in the Ravensbrück archive (Vetenskapsrådet 2023-2025) och Troubling Testimonies: Women's Narratives of War (Vetenskapsrådet 2020–2023).
Bland hennes publikationer finns monografierna Peace and the Politics of Memory (2024, Manchester Univeristy Press) Peacebuilding and Spatial Transformation. Peace, Space and Place (2017, Routledge), samt antologierna Spatialising Peace and Conflict: Mapping the Production of Place, Sites and Scales of Violence (2016 Palgrave), Peacebuilding and Friction: Global and Local Encounters in Post- Conflict Societies (2016 Routledge), Divided Cities–Governing Contested issues (2015 Nordic Academic Press), Importing EU norms? Conceptual Framework and Empirical Cases (2015 Springer), Rethinking Peacebuilding: The Quest for Just Peace in the Middle East and the Western Balkans (2013 Routledge), och temanumren "Space for Peace", Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding (2022) 16(5) och "Precarious peacebuilding: Friction in Global-Local Encounters”, Peacebuilding 1(3).
Björkdahl har också publicerat i internationella tidskrifter såsom Political Geography,Peace and Change, Human Rights Review, International Journal of Transitional Justice, International Peacekeeping, Security Dialogue och Millennium. Annika Björkdahl var chefredaktör för den internationella tidskriften Cooperation and Conflict (Sage) (2013–2023), och är nu en av redaktörerna för Palgraves bokserie Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies.
Tidigare forskning har bedrivits inom projekten:
Vulnerable Cities (FORMAS 2016–2020),
The Politics of Memory (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 2016–2019)
Cultural Heritage of Conflict: Peacebuilding and the Politics of Memory (Vetenskapsrådet, 2016–2019).
State-making and the Origins of Global Order in the long 19th Century and Beyond. Riksbankens Jubileumsfond 2015-2020 (one of six PIs)
Contested Administrations: Conflict resolution and the improvement of democracy. Swedish Research Council 2012-2015. (project leader)
KEEENZ (Knowledge and Expertise Exchange Europe - New Zealand), Marie Curie, mobility programme, 2010-2014.
Precarious Peacebuilding. SIDA, 2011-2013. (PI).
Just and Durable Peace EU FP7 research project 2008-2011, project manager, coordinated by LU.
Cosmopolite: World Images, Institutions and Personal Orientations in Global Society, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 2003-2007 (post-doc)
Böcker och specialnummer (senaste 10 åren)
Björkdahl, A, Buckley-Zistel, S. Kappler, S, Mannergren , J, and Williams T (2024) Peace and the Politics of Memory. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Björkdahl, A. & Buckley-Zistel, S. (2022) Space for Peace. Special Issue, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding.
Björkdahl, A. & Kappler, S. (2017) Peacebuilding and Spatial Transformation. Peace, Space and Place. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Björkdahl, A. & Buckley-Zistel, S. ed. (2016) Spatialising Peace and Conflict: Mapping the Production of Place, Sites and Scales of Violences. Baskingstoke and New Yorkd: Palgrave Macmillan
Björkdahl, A. et al ed (2016) Peacebuilding and Friction: Global and Local Encounters in Post-Conflict Societies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Björkdahl, A. et al ed. (2015) Importing EU norms? Conceptual Framework and Empirical Findings. Springer Publisher.
Björkdahl, A. & Strömbom, L. ed. (2015) Divided Cities- Governing Diversity. Nordic Academic Press.
Kommande böcker
Björkdahl, A, Höglund, K, Mannergren, J. (forthcoming 2024) Troubling Testimonies: Women's Narratives of War. New York: New York University Press.
Björkdahl, A och Mannergren J. (forthcoming 2025) The Production of Gendered Knowledge of War. (Routldge)
Björkdahl, A, Lorentzen, J. Skjelsbæck (forthcoming 2025) Backlash: The Women, Peace and Security Agenda under Pressure. Springer.
Peer review artiklar (senaste 10 åren)
Björkdahl, A & Mannergren Selimovic, J. ( 2023) Places of Pain and Spaces of Silence: Revisiting a Bosnian Rape Camp. Geopolitics.
Björkdahl, A. & Buckley-Zistel, S. (2022) Introducing Space for Peace, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 16(5): 536-544.
Björkdahl, A. & Buckley-Zistel, S. (2022) Space for Peace: A Research Agenda, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 16(5): 659-676.
Björkdahl, A. & Warvsten, L. (2021) Friction in Transitional Justice Processes: The Colombian Judicial System and the ICC, International Journal of Transitional Justice.
Björkdahl, A., Kappler, S. & Forde, S. (2021) Peacebuilding, Structural Violence and Spatial Reparations in Post-Colonial South Africa, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Björkdahl, A & Kappler, S. (2019) The Creation of Transnational Memory Spaces: Professionalization and Commercialization, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society.
Björkdahl, A (2018) Republika Srpska: Imaginary, Performance and Spatialization, Political Geography, 66: 34-43
Björkdahl, A (2018) Where Peace Takes Place? Review Forum, Political Geography
Björkdahl, A & Mannergren Selimovic, J. (2017) Feeling Silence in a Place of Pain. International Feminist Journal of Politics 19(3): 383-385.
Björkdahl, A & Mannergren Selimovic, J. (2016) ”A Tale of Three Bridges: Agency and Agonism in Peacebuilding”, Third World Quarterly. 37(2): 321-335.
Björkdahl, A., Richmond, O. P & Kappler, S. (2015) 'The Field in the Age of Intervention: Power, Legitimacy, Authority vs the 'Local', Millennium 44(1).
Björkdahl, A & Mannergren Selimovic, J. (2015) Translating UNSCR 1325 from the global to the local: protection, representation and participation in the National Action Plans of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda, Conflict, Security and Development 15(4): 311-335.
Björkdahl, A & Mannergren Selimovic, J. (2015) ”Gendering Agency in Transitional Justice”, Security Dialogue 46(2): 165-182
Björkdahl, A & Gusic, I. (2015) ‘Global’ norms and ‘local’ agency: frictional peacebuilding in Kosovo, Journal of International Relations and Development.18(3): 265-287
Antologibidrag (senaste 7 åren)
Björkdahl, A (2023) Spatializing Peace and Peacebuilding. Where is knowledge about Peace and Peacebuilding Produced? In Colin Flint and Kara Dempsey eds. Making Geographies of Peace and Conflict. Abingdon: Routledge.
Björkdahl, A. & Mannergren Selimovic, J. (2021) Methodologies for Feminist Peace Research Routledge in The Handbook of Feminist Peace Research. Taylor & Francis, s. 40-49 10 s.
Björkdahl, A. & Kappler, S. (2021) Spaces of Peace in The Oxford Handbook of Peacebuilding, Statebuilding, and Peace Formation. Richmond, O. P. & Visoka, G. (red.). Oxford University Press, s. 139-151 13 s. (Oxford Handbooks).
Björkdahl, A. (2020) Urban Peacebuilding. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies, eds. Richmond, Oliver & Visoka, Gezim Palgrave Macmillan
Björkdahl, A. & Kappler, S. Peacebuilding and Spatial Transformation, in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies, eds. Richmond, Oliver & Visoka, Gezim Palgrave Macmillan.
Björkdahl, A. & Kappler, S. The Spatial Dimensions of State-Building, in Handbook of Intervention and Statebuilding edt. Lemay-Hebert, Nicolas Edward Elgar.
Björkdahl, A. & Mannergren Selimovic, J. (2018) ”Civil Society and Women, Peace and Security Agenda”, in Sara Davies and Jacqui True eds. Oxford University Handbook on Women, Peace and Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Björkdahl, A. & Mannergren Selimovic, J. (2018) ”Feminist Ethnographic Research: Excavating Narratives of Wartime Rape”, in Gearoid Millar eds. Ethnographic Peace Research: Decolonizing Methodology. Palgrave MacMillan.
Björkdahl, A. & Mannergren Selimovic, J. (2018) (2017) ”Gender and Transitional Justice”, in Olivera Simic (ed.) Understanding Transitional Justice. Palgrave MacMillan.
Björkdahl, A. & Buckley-Zistel, S. (2017) ”Memorials and Transitional Justice” in Olivera Simic (ed.) Understanding Transitional Justice. Palgrave MacMillan.
Björkdahl, A. & Mannergren Selimovic, J. (2016) ”Gender - the Missing Piece in the Peace puzzle” in O. Richmond et al. Dimensions of Peace: Disciplinary and Regional Approaches,Palgrave McMillan.
Björkdahl, A. & Buckley-Zistel, S. (2016) "Spatializing Peace and Conflict: An Introduction", in Annika Björkdahl and Susanne Buckley-Zistel ed. (2016) Spatialising Peace and Conflict: Mapping the Production of Place, Sites and Scales of Violences. Baskingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Björkdahl, A et al. (2016) "Introduction: Peacebuilding through the lens of Friction", in Annika Björkdahl et al ed. Peacebuilding and Friction: Global and Local Encounters in Post-Conflict Societies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Björkdahl, A. & Gusict, I. (2016) ”Sites of Friction: governance, identity and space” in Annika Björkdahl et al eds. Peacebuilding and Friction: Global and Local Encounters in Post-Conflict Societies.Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Björkdahl, Annika (2015) ”Two Schools Under One Roof”, in Annika Björkdahl and Lisa Strömbom eds. Divided Cities. Governing Contested issues, Nordic Academic Press.
Björkdahl, A. & O. Elgström, O. (2015) “The EPA-negotiations: A channel for norm export and import?” in A. Björkdahl, N. Chaban, J. Leslie, and A. Masselot eds. Importing EU norms? Conceptual Framework and Empirical Findings. Springer Publisher.
Björkdahl, A, Chaban, N., J. Leslie, & Masselot, A. (2015) ”Introduction: Towards a theoretical framework for norm import.” in A. Björkdahl, N. Chaban, J. Leslie, and A. Masselot eds. Importing EU norms? Conceptual Framework and Empirical Findings., Springer Publisher.
Björkdahl, A, Chaban, N., J. Leslie, and Masselot, A. (2015) ”Conclusion: Adoption, adaption, resistance and rejection” in A. Björkdahl, N. Chaban, J. Leslie, and A. Masselot eds. Importing EU norms? Conceptual Framework and Empirical Findings., Springer Publisher.
Annika Björkdahl är professor i statsvetenskap och co-editor of the Palgrave Book Series Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies with Oliver Richmond and Gezim Visoka.