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Bengtsson on the EU and the European Security Order

Black and white portraite picture of Rikard Bengtsson. Photo: Björn Frostner.

Rikard Bengtsson recently published a chapter entitled “Complex Role Enactment Amid Global Value Contestation: The European Union and the Crisis of the European Security Order” in the volume International Organizations Amid Global Crisis. Analysing Role Selection and Impact through Role Theory, edited by Diana Panke and Gordon M. Friedrichs (Bristol University Press).

Departing from existing role self-conceptions held by the EU, the chapter analyzes EU rhetoric and action in the context of European security in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The chapter probes explanations for and implications of EU role enactment and concludes based on the role-theoretical framework advanced in the book that the EU has come to play multiple and partly conflicting roles.  

For more information about the book:

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