Political Science
Main research or teaching areas
- Comparative politics
- Political parties and governments
- Political behavior and political psychology
Current research and teaching
My research focuses mainly on political parties and coalition politics in Western European parliamentary democracies, focusing on topics such as coalition formation, portfolio allocation, cabinet reshuffles, policy-making in multiparty governments, and legislative behavior. I also do research on political behavior/political psychology, focusing mainly on explaining protest activity, radicalization and affective polarization. Other topics I focus on in my research are state capacity, corruption and foreign policy-making.
I teach comparative politics, political psychology and research methods.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Manfluencers and Young Men’s Misogynistic Attitudes : The Role of Perceived Threats to Men’s Status
Emma A. Renström, Hanna Bäck
(2024) Sex Roles, 90 p.1787-1806
Journal articleLegislatures and legislative behaviour
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus
(2024) Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions , p.248-262
Book chapterDebating the Populist Pariah : Changing Party Dynamics and Elite Rhetoric in the Swedish Riksdag
Esther Calvo, Hanna Bäck, Royce Carroll
(2024) Political Research Quarterly, 77 p.950-961
Journal articleOn the nexus between material and ideological determinants of climate policy support
Gustav Agneman, Sofia Henriks, Hanna Bäck, Emma Renström
(2024) Ecological Economics, 219
Journal articleWomen favour climate actions that benefit future generations more than men – new study
Hanna Bäck, Emma Renström
(2024) The Conversation
Journal articlePopulist radical parties, pariahs, and coalition bargaining delays
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Michael Imre
(2024) Party Politics, 30 p.96-107
Journal articleCoalition dynamics : advances in the study of the coalition life cycle
Wolfgang C. Müller, Hanna Bäck, Johan Hellström
(2024) West European Politics, 47 p.1-30
Journal articleCoalition agreements and governments’ policy-making productivity
Matthew E. Bergman, Mariyana Angelova, Hanna Bäck, Wolfgang C. Müller
(2024) West European Politics, 47 p.31-60
Journal articlePre-electoral coalitions, familiarity, and delays in government formation
Hanna Bäck, Johan Hellström, Johannes Lindvall, Jan Teorell
(2024) West European Politics, 47 p.88-112
Journal articleThe Selection and Tenure of Foreign Ministers Around the World
Hanna Bäck, Alejandro Quiroz Flores, Jan Teorell
(2024) Elements in international relations
BookStatsministeromröstning och regeringsbildning
Hanna Bäck, Jan Teorell
(2024) En författning i tiden. Regeringsformen under 50 år , p.143-179
Book chapterGovernment ideology and labour policy reform in good times and bad
Matthew E. Bergman, Wolfgang C. Müller, Hanna Bäck
(2024) Journal of European Public Policy
Journal articleIntergenerational altruism and climate policy preferences
Gustav Agneman, Sofia Henriks, Hanna Bäck, Emma Renström
(2024) PNAS Nexus, 3
Journal articleGender differences in climate change denial in Sweden : the role of threatened masculinity
Amanda Remsö, Hanna Bäck, Emma Aurora Renström
(2024) Frontiers in Psychology, 15
Journal articleCoalition bargaining time and governments’ policy-making productivity
Hanna Bäck, Matthew Bergman, Wolfgang C. Müller
(2023) European Journal of Political Research
Journal articleWho polarizes parliament? Partisan hostility in Norwegian legislative debates
Maiken Røed, Hanna Bäck, Royce Carroll
(2023) Party Politics
Journal articleThreat, Voting and Candidate Support. The Impact of Mortality Salience
Hanna Bäck, Royce Carroll, Holly Knapton, Emma Renström
(2023) Frontiers in Political Science, 5
Journal articleThreats, Emotions, and Affective Polarization
Emma Renström, Hanna Bäck, Royce Carroll
(2023) Political Psychology, 44 p.1337-1366
Journal articleCoalition Agreements as Control Devices: Coalition Governance in Western and Eastern Europe
Heike Klüver, Hanna Bäck, Svenja Krauss
BookElite communication and affective polarization among voters
Hanna Bäck, Royce Carroll, Emma Renström, Alexander Ryan
(2023) Electoral Studies, 84
Journal articleAuthoritarianism and Immigration Attitudes in the UK
Adam Peresman, Royce Carroll, Hanna Bäck
(2023) Political Studies, 71 p.616-633
Journal articleMinority governments in Sweden : Majority cabinets in disguise
Hanna Bäck, Johan Hellström
(2022) Minority Governments in Comparative Perspective , p.129-147
Book chapterOutgroup exclusion, identity, and collective action in the Brexit context
Holly Knapton, Emma A. Renström, Hanna Bäck
(2022) Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52 p.912-927
Journal articleProtecting the Ingroup? Authoritarianism, Immigration Attitudes, and Affective Polarization
Emma A. Renström, Hanna Bäck, Royce Carroll
(2022) Frontiers in Political Science, 4
Journal articleMinisterial Autonomy, Parliamentary Scrutiny and Government Reform Output in Parliamentary Democracies
Hanna Bäck, Wolfgang C. Müller, Mariyana Angelova, Daniel Strobl
(2022) Comparative Political Studies, 55 p.254-286
Journal articleParty-system polarisation, legislative institutions and cabinet survival in 28 parliamentary democracies, 1945–2019
Henning Bergmann, Hanna Bäck, Thomas Saalfeld
(2022) West European Politics, 45 p.612-637
Journal articleLegalize cannabis? : Effects of party cues on attitudes to a controversial policy proposal
Hanna Bäck, Annika Fredén, Emma A. Renström
(2022) Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 32 p.489-500
Journal articleSympathizing With the Radical Right : Effects of Mainstream Party Recognition and Control of Prejudice
Kalle Ekholm, Hanna Bäck, Emma A. Renström
(2022) Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10 p.141-157
Journal articleWho Follows the Rules During a Crisis?—Personality Traits and Trust as Predictors of Compliance With Containment Recommendations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Yvonne Schmeisser, Emma A. Renström, Hanna Bäck
(2021) Frontiers in Political Science, 3
Journal articleThe Social Network : How Friends’ Online Behavior and Belongingness Needs Influence Political Activity
Hanna Bäck, Emma A. Renström, David Sivén
(2021) Policy and Internet, 13 p.209-232
Journal articleRisken för ökad polarisering måste tas på allvar
Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Erik J Olsson, Michael Bossetta, Tommy Bruhn, Hanna Bäck, et al.
(2021) Göteborgs-Posten
Newspaper articleThe Political Dynamics of Portfolio Design in European Democracies
Ulrich Sieberer, Thomas M. Meyer, Hanna Bäck, Andrea Ceron, Albert Falcó-Gimeno, et al.
(2021) British Journal of Political Science, 51 p.772-787
Journal articleEmotions during the Covid-19 pandemic : Fear, anxiety, and anger as mediators between threats and policy support and political actions
Emma A. Renström, Hanna Bäck
(2021) Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51 p.861-877
Journal articleUnpacking the politics of legislative debates
Jorge M. Fernandes, Marc Debus, Hanna Bäck
(2021) European Journal of Political Research, 60 p.1032-1045
Journal articleAnxiety, compassion and pride. How emotions elicited by the government’s handling of Covid-19 influences health-promoting behavior
Emma A. Renström, Hanna Bäck
(2021) Psychologica Belgica, 61 p.224-237
Journal articleWar, Performance, and the Survival of Foreign Ministers
Hanna Bäck, Jan Teorell, Alexander Von Hagen-Jamar, Alejandro Quiroz Flores
(2021) Foreign Policy Analysis, 17
Journal articleElectoral Cycles in Government Policy Making : Strategic Timing of Austerity Reform Measures in Western Europe
Daniel Strobl, Hanna Bäck, Wolfgang C. Müller, Mariyana Angelova
(2021) British Journal of Political Science, 51 p.331-352
Journal articleThe Politics of Legislative Debates : An Introduction
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Jorge M.O. Fernandes
(2021) The Politics of Legislative Debates , p.1-20
Book chapterThe Politics of Legislative Debates
BookUnpacking Comparative Patterns in Legislative Debates
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Jorge M. Fernandes
(2021) The Politics of Legislative Debates
Book chapterThe young protester : the impact of belongingness needs on political engagement
Emma A. Renström, Julia Aspernäs, Hanna Bäck
(2021) Journal of Youth Studies, 24 p.781-798
Journal articleCoalition Governance in Western Europe
BookIntergroup Threat and Affective Polarization in a Multi-Party System
Hanna Bäck, Emma Renström, Royce Carroll
(2021) Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 9
Journal articleCoalition Governance Patterns Across Western Europe
Hanna Bäck, Torbjörn Bergman, Johan Hellström
(2021) Coalition Governance in Western Europe
Book chapterThe Three Stages of the Coalition Life Cycle
Hanna Bäck, Torbjörn Bergman, Johan Hellström
(2021) Coalition Governance in Western Europe
Book chapterCoalition Governance in Western Europe
Hanna Bäck, Torbjörn Bergman, Johan Hellström
(2021) Coalition Governance in Western Europe
Book chapterSweden : Biased Debate Participation with Nearly Equal Gender Representation
Hanna Bäck, Markus Baumann, Royce Carroll
(2021) The Politics of Legislative Debates , p.713-733
Hanna Bäck, Johannes Lindvall
(2020) STANCE Working Paper Series, 2020-2021 p.1-27
Working paperThe distribution of ministerial posts in parliamentary systems
Hanna Bäck, Royce Carroll
(2020) The Oxford handbook of political executives , p.314-335
Book chapterPersonalized versus partisan representation in the speeches of migrant members of parliament in the German Bundestag
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus
(2020) Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43 p.1673-1691
Journal articleThe distribution of ministerial posts in parliamentary democracies
Hanna Bäck, Royce Carroll
(2020) The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives
Book chapter134 dagar. Om regeringsbildningen efter valet 2018
Jan Teorell, Hanna Bäck, Johan Hellström, Johannes Lindvall
BookVi gillar olika. Om affektiv polarisering bland svenska väljare
Emma Renström, Hanna Bäck, Yvonne Schmeisser
(2020) Regntunga skyar. SOM-undersökningen 2019 , p.427-443
Book chapterSweden's Parliamentary Democracy at 100
Johannes Lindvall, Hanna Bäck, Carl Dahlström, Elin Naurin, Jan Teorell
(2020) Parliamentary Affairs, 73 p.477-502
Journal articleExploring a pathway to radicalization : The effects of social exclusion and rejection sensitivity
Emma A. Renström, Hanna Bäck, Holly M. Knapton
(2020) Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 23 p.1204-1229
Journal articleCoordination of legislative speech in times of crisis : Youth unemployment and debates on redistributive policies in the Swedish Riksdag, 1994–2014
Hanna Bäck, Markus Baumann, Marc Debus
(2019) International Journal of Social Welfare, 28 p.404-417
Journal articleCoalition Agreements, Issue Attention, and Cabinet Governance
Heike Klüver, Hanna Bäck
(2019) Comparative Political Studies, 52 p.1995-2031
Journal articleA social safety net? Rejection sensitivity and political opinion sharing among young people in social media
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson
(2019) New Media & Society, 21
Journal articleSelecting Ministers in Times of Crisis : A Historical Analysis of the Role of Intra-Party Politics and Union Background in Swedish Cabinet Appointments 1917–2014
Johan Bo Davidsson, Hanna Bäck
(2019) Political Studies, 67 p.932-954
Journal articleCabinets, Prime Ministers and Corruption. A Comparative Analysis of Parliamentary Governments in Post-war Europe
Hanna Bäck, Jan Teorell, Staffan I Lindberg
(2019) Political Studies, 67 p.149-170
Journal articleThe Unequal Distribution of Speaking Time in Parliamentary-Party Groups
Hanna Bäck, Markus Baumann, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller
(2019) Legislative Studies Quarterly, 44 p.163-193
Journal articleWhen Do Women Speak? A Comparative Analysis of the Role of Gender in Legislative Debates
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus
(2019) Political Studies, 67 p.576-596
Journal articleDouble Standards : The Role of Gender and Intraparty Politics in Swedish Cabinet Appointments
Markus Baumann, Hanna Bäck, Johan Bo Davidsson
(2019) Politics and Gender, 15 p.882-911
Journal articleSweden : Minority government as the norm
Jonas Lindahl, Johan Hellström, Hanna Bäck
(2019) Coalition Government as a Reflection of a Nation’s Politics and Society : A Comparative Study of Parliamentary Parties and Cabinets in 12 Countries , p.127-146
Book chapter"Rädsla snedvrider politisk debatt"
Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson, Hanna Bäck, Emma Renström
(2018) Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm
Newspaper articleBelonging for violence : Personality, football fandom, and spectator aggression
Holly Knapton, Lisa Espinosa, Henk E. Meier, Emma A. Bäck, Hanna Bäck
(2018) Nordic Psychology, 70 p.278-289
Journal articleMinskning av regeringens makt kan lösa det låsta läget
Johannes Lindvall, Hanna Bäck, Carl Dahlström, Elin Naurin, Jan Teorell
(2018) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleWhy do people talk politics online? Because they don’t care what you think
Hanna Bäck, Emma Renström, Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson
Web publicationWhy Engage in Collective Action? The Conditional Effect of Social Support and Efficacy on Protest Participation
Emma A. Bäck, Hanna Bäck, David Sivén
(2018) Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 40 p.49-59
Journal articleRepresenting the Region on the Floor : Socioeconomic Characteristics of Electoral Districts and Legislative Speechmaking
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus
(2018) Parliamentary Affairs, 71 p.73-102
Journal articleMeasuring gender in surveys
Anna Lindqvist, Emma Renström, Hanna Bäck, Marie Gustafsson Sendén
(2018) Gender Diversity in Survey Research, Gothenburg 11-12 June
Conference paperConforming to Collective Action : The Impact of Rejection, Personality and Norms on Participation in Protest Activity
Emma A. Renström, Hanna Bäck, Holly M. Knapton
(2018) Social Psychological Bulletin, 13
Journal articleKris i regeringsfrågan?
Hanna Bäck, Johan Hellström
(2018) Demokratins framtid , p.269-297
Book chapterNo More Political Insiders? Ministerial Selection in Sweden During the Post-WWII Period
Hanna Bäck, Thomas Persson
(2018) Technocratic Ministers and Political Leadership in European Democracies
Book chapterVeto player theory and reform making in Western Europe
Mariyana Angelova, Hanna Bäck, Wolfgang C. Müller, Daniel Strobl
(2018) European Journal of Political Research, 57 p.282-307
Journal articleThe Quest for Significance : Attitude Adaption to a Radical Group Following Social Exclusion
Emma A. Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Niklas Altermark, Holly Knapton
(2018) International Journal of Developmental Sciences, 12 p.25-36
Journal articleFrom I to We: Group formation and linguistic adaption in an online xenophobic forum
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Marie Gustafsson-Sendén, Sverker Sikström
(2018) Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 6 p.76-91
Journal articleDoes Female Leadership Matter? An Analysis of Swedish Foreign Ministers and their Parliamentary Speeches, 1955–2016
Hanna Bäck, Annika Björkdahl
(2017) STANCE Working Papers Series, 2017 p.1-32
Working paperSolving the Decider’s Dilemma: Scapegoats, Foreign Affairs, and the Duration of Interstate War
Alejandro Quiroz Flores, Hanna Bäck, Alexander von Hagen-Jamar, Jan Teorell
(2017) STANCE Working Papers Series, 2017 p.1-26
Working paperA Social Safety Net? Incentives for sharing political information online
Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson, Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck
Conference paperRegeringskansliet är för stort och för resursstarkt
Johannes Lindvall, Hanna Bäck, Carl Dahlström, Elin Naurin, Jan Teorell
(2017) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleStatsvetenskapliga perspektiv
Hanna Bäck, Roxanna Sjöstedt
(2017) Samhällskunskap för lärare 4-9
Book chapterRadikaliseringens politiska psykologi – betydelsen av hot och polarisering
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck
(2017) Statens offentliga utredningar
Report chapterMultiparty government and economic policy-making : Coalition agreements, prime ministerial power and spending in Western European Cabinets
Hanna Bäck, Wolfgang C. Müller, Benjamin Nyblade
(2017) Public Choice, 170 p.33-62
Journal articleSamverkan och strid i den parlamentariska demokratin
Johannes Lindvall, Hanna Bäck, Carl Dahlström, Elin Naurin, Jan Teorell
ReportCabinets, Prime Ministers and Corruption. A Comparative Analysis of Parliamentary Governments in Post-War Europe
Hanna Bäck, Jan Teorell, Staffan I Lindberg
(2016) STANCE Working Paper Series, 2016
Working paperWar, Performance and the Survival of Foreign Ministers
Hanna Bäck, Jan Teorell, Alexander von Hagen-Jamar, Alejandro Quiroz Flores
(2016) STANCE Working Paper Series, 2016
Working paperIntroduction: The Party System
Hanna Bäck, Gissur Erlingsson
(2016) The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics , p.149-151
Book chapterIntra-party Diversity and Ministerial Selection in Coalition Governments
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Wolfgang C. Müller
(2016) Public Choice, 166 p.355-378
Journal articleThe Parties in Government Formation
Hanna Bäck, Torbjörn Bergman
(2016) The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics , p.206-226
Book chapterBicameralism, intra-party bargaining, and the formation of party policy positions : Evidence from the German federal system
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Heike Klüver
(2016) Party Politics, 22 p.405-417
Journal articleUngas politiska deltagande. Nya former och aktivitet genom sociala medier?
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Nils Gustafsson
ReportPartierna och regeringsbildningen
Hanna Bäck
(2015) Partier och partisystem , p.179-193
Book chapterMethodological challenges of experiments in social media
Emma Bäck, Nils Gustafsson, Hanna Bäck
Conference paperGroup belongingness and collective action: Effects of need to belong and rejection sensitivity on willingness to participate in protest activities
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Holly Knapton
(2015) Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56 p.537-544
Journal articleCommitment Problems in Coalitions: A New Look at the Fiscal Policies of Multi-Party Governments
Hanna Bäck, Johannes Lindvall
(2015) Political Science Research and Methods, 3 p.53-72
Journal articleThe Social Activist: Conformity to the Ingroup Following Rejection as a Predictor of Political Participation.
Holly Knapton, Hanna Bäck, Emma Bäck
(2015) Social Influence, 10 p.97-108
Journal articlePartisanship, Ministers, and Biotechnology Policy
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Jale Tosun
(2015) Review of Policy Research, 32 p.556-575
Journal articleWhat’s So Social About Social Media? Personality and Incentives as Predictors of Political Participation
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Holly Knapton, Nils Gustafsson
Conference paperDer Einfluss von Mandatstyp und Wahlkreiseigenschaften auf die inhaltlichen Positionen in Parlamentsreden
Marc Debus, Hanna Bäck
(2014) Swiss Political Science Review, 20 p.330-353
Journal articleDer Einfluss von Mandatstyp und Wahlkreiseigenschaften auf die inhaltlichen Positionen in Parlamentsreden : Eine Untersuchung anhand der parlamentarischen Debatten im Deutschen Bundestag von 1998 bis 2002
Marc Debus, Hanna Bäck
(2014) Swiss Political Science Review, 20 p.330-353
Journal articleWho Takes the Parliamentary Floor? The Role of Gender in Speech-making in the Swedish Riksdag
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller
(2014) Political Research Quarterly, 67 p.504-518
Journal articleThe Survival of Ministers in Times of Crisis. An Analysis of Turnover in Canadian and Swedish Cabinets
Hanna Bäck, Matthew Kerby, Thomas Persson
Conference paperÅsikter och engagemang i samhällsfrågor: Resultat från en webbundersökning
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Henry Montgomery, Felix Funck
(2013) Psykologiska rapporter från Lund
ReportProtest activity, social incentives, and rejection sensitivity: Results from a survey experiment about tuition fees
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Gema Garcia-Albacete
(2013) Contention: The multidisciplinary journal of social protest, 1 p.1-15
Journal articlePortfolio Saliency and Ministerial Turnover. Dynamics in Scandinavian Post-War Cabinets
Martin Ejnar Hansen, Robert Klemmensen, Sara Binzer Hobolt, Hanna Bäck
(2013) Scandinavian Political Studies, 36 p.227-248
Journal articleRegional Government Formation in Varying Multi-Level Contexts. A Comparison of Eight European Countries
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller, Henry Bäck
(2013) Regional Studies, 47 p.368-387
Journal articleHow intra-party bargaining influence policy position choice in federalist countries
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Heike Klüver
Conference paperIntra-party Diversity and Ministerial Selection in Coalition Governments
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Wolfgang C. Müller
Conference paperThe Odd One Out. The Effect of Rejection on Collective Action Participation.
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck
Conference paperWho is allowed to take the floor? The role of saliency and gender when explaining speech-making in the Swedish Riksdag
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller
Conference paperMultiparty Government and Economic Policy-Making. Coalition Agreements, Prime Ministerial Power and Spending in Western European Cabinets
Hanna Bäck, Wolfgang C. Müller, Benjamin Nyblade
Conference paperBalanspartier i regeringsbildningar
Hanna Bäck, Henry Bäck
(2012) Tungan på vågen. Vågmästare och balanspartier
Book chapterPuzzles of Government Formation: Coalition Theory and Deviant Cases
Hanna Bäck
(2012) West European Politics, 35 p.934-936
ReviewEuropean Integration and Prime Ministerial Power: A Differential Impact on Cabinet Reshuffles in Germany and Sweden
Hanna Bäck, Henk Erik Meier, Thomas Persson, Joern Fischer
(2012) German Politics, 21 p.184-208
Journal articleControlling Agency Loss. An Analysis of Ministerial Turnover in German and Swedish Post-War Cabinets
Hanna Bäck, Henk Erik Meier, Thomas Persson
Conference paperProtest Activity, Social Incentives and Rejection Sensitivity. Results from a Survey Experiment about Tuition Fees
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Gema Garcia
Conference paperMultiparty Government and Economic Policy-Making. Coalition Agreements, Spending and Reform Behavior in Western European Cabinets
Hanna Bäck, Wolfgang Müller, Benjamin Nyblade
Conference paperContextual and individual-level determinants of political protest: The interaction between feelings of discrimination and institutional arrangements
Gema Garcia-Albacete, Hanna Bäck, Emma Bäck
(2012) Contention: The multidisciplinary journal of social protest , p.1-2
Conference paper: abstractPresidentialisation from a Historical Perspective: Ministerial Selection and Reshuffling in Swedish Cabinets
Hanna Bäck, Thomas Persson, Kåre Vernby, Lina Westin
(2011) Parliamentary Government in the Nordic Countries at a Crossroads
Book chapterPortfolio Allocation and Cabinet Duration in Parliamentary Democracies
Hanna Bäck, Patrick Dumont, Thomas Saalfeld
Conference paperExplaining Modes of Participation. A Dynamic Test of Alternative Rational Choice Models
Hanna Bäck, Jan Teorell, Anders Westholm
(2011) Scandinavian Political Studies, 34 p.74-97
Journal articleWho Gets What in Coalition Governments? Predictors of Portfolio Allocation in Parliamentary Democracies
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Patrick Dumont
(2011) European Journal of Political Research, 50 p.441-478
Journal articleIntra-party Conflict and Ministerial Selection in Coalition Governments
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Wolfgang Müller
Conference paperThe Stability of Partisanship: Evidence from a Russian Panel Study
Hanna Bäck, Jan Teorell
(2009) Political Parties and Partisanship: Social Identities and Individual Attitudes , p.162-179
Book chapterDemocracy and State Capacity: Exploring a J-shaped Relationship
Axel Hadenius, Hanna Bäck
(2008) Governance, 21 p.1-24
Journal articleMedborgarna och deltagandeparadoxen: Att förklara olika former av politiskt deltagande
Hanna Bäck, Jan Teorell, Anders Westholm
(2006) Deltagandets mekanismer
Book chapter
Before joining the department in Lund (2011), I was a junior professor at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES). I received my Ph.D. from Uppsala University (2003), and I have held post-doctoral fellowships at the European University Institute, and the University of Twente.
I am a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, and I am currently co-editor of the journal Research & Politics.
Several of my ongoing projects (with Emma Renström) are described here:
Research groups
Expertise (media)
- Political parties
- Government formation
- Voting behavior
- Political participation
Also see the blog: 'On power and politics'