For new employees: Doctoral students
In this section we have gathered links and information which concern the doctoral student as a new employee, including information for international staff at the start of employment.
Quick links to page content:
- Before you start your employment
- Introteam
- Doctoral student council
- Internationalisation
- Project doctoral students
Before you start your employment
- General information for international staff:
Please read the information for new employees at Lund University (on the Lund University's Staff Pages) - Migration issues: The department's HR-partner will guide the newly admitted non-Swedish doctoral student in the process of applying to the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket).
You find more information on the Lund University's Staff Pages - Employment contract: A formal decision on your employment as a doctoral student candidate will be sent to you by the Department. You do not sign a contract.
- Salary/Bank account/Tax registration: If you have a Swedish personnummer and a Swedish bank account: you need to apply yourself for an A-skattesedel at the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) and report your bank account number to Swedbank (to enable payment of your salary). A Department administrator will ask newly admitted doctoral students for information on bank account and A-skattesedel (for Swedish citizens).
For non-Swedish citizens, The department's HR-partner will ask for information on a bank account in the home country for the payment of the first montly salary through the bank Swedbank. Once you have arrived in Lund, you need to visit the Swedish Tax Agency and apply for a personal identity number. Once you have that, you can apply for an ID-card and then apply for a Swedish bank account.
See more information on the Lund University's Staff Pages - Personal identity number (personnummer/samordningsnummer): The Department will apply for a samordningsnummer for new doctoral students who are not Swedish citizens. Once you have arrived in Lund, you need to visit the Swedish Tax Agency and apply for a personal identity number. Once you have that number, you can apply for an ID-card and then apply for a Swedish bank account.
For more information see the Lund University's Staff Pages - Insurance matters:
Here you find information on insurance matters for international staff at Lund University (on the Lund University's Staff Pages) - Housing: You need to look for housing yourself.
This link is a good place to start (on Lund University's website) - Life as a doctoral student in Sweden: The above and many other matters are covered in a useful doctoral student handbook compiled by Sweden’s United Student Unions.
Read the doctoral student handbook on the PhD Handbook's website - Rights, obligations and expectations: Public employees have certain rights and obligations and there are moreover specific expectations on our doctoral students in terms of being employed as a doctoral student at our Department. To help you get an overview of your rights and obligations, and the expectations we have on you, we have compiled them in a document.
Rights, obligation and expectations
During your first semester you will be taken care of by an introduction team with which you will have regular meetings. The aims of these meetings are to introduce you to the Department, to give you practical information on being employed at the Department, to help you get in contact with other senior researchers, to give advice concerning the organization of your initial doctoral studies, and offer a forum to start discussing your doctoral thesis.
The Introteam consists of the Director of studies for the doctoral student programme and a young researcher who defended her/his doctoral thesis relatively recently. You will also get the opportunity to talk to the assistant head of department, the director of studies for undergraduate studies, the financial officer, the health and safety representative, and others.
Doctoral student council
The Department’s Doctoral student council is a forum for discussing common interests of doctoral students. The council usually meets once a month and has a chair and a vice chair. In these meetings, you can raise issues and problems encountered in your work as a doctoral student and that you are having difficulty resolving on your own. The chair and vice chair of the council are also contact points for the Director of doctoral studies and the Assistant head of department with responsibilities for doctoral students. Contact information for the doctoral student council is available from the Deputy Head of Department or Director of studies.
The department encourages participation in international conferences (along with national ones, of course) as well as stays in other research and education environments. You are first and foremost expected to apply for external funding for participation in conferences, doctoral studies courses in other locations and for stays in other environments. If you are unable to obtain funding in this way, or if funds obtained are insufficient, then you can contact the assistant head of department. In that case, when participating in a conference, you are usually expected to present a paper. Longer stays abroad must be funded externally.
Project doctoral student
To be a project doctoral student means to be funded by external research project grants. Project-funded doctoral students are employed by the Department and treated the same way as faculty funded doctoral students. As for any doctoral student, up to 20 percent of your employment can consist in services to the department (“institutionstjänstgöring”, i.,e., teaching or similar activities), which makes you eligible for an extension of your employment. Services that make you eligible for an extension cannot stem directly from your doctoral thesis work and must be funded by the department. The authority to grant extended time of employment on other grounds rests with the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and is subject to formal regulations. The purpose of these regulations is to provide equal opportunities to all doctoral students.
Project related services performed by a project-funded doctoral student should always be relevant to your doctoral thesis, even if these services include work that does not contribute directly to the thesis (such as dissemination of information to the public). Administrative tasks that could be accomplished by a research assistant should not be performed by a project doctoral student. In cases of conflict, Doctoral study courses and thesis work should be given priority over project related activities. In order to avoid an excessive workload, you should consult your supervisor, assistant supervisor and (in case that is a different person) the project manager before engaging in project related activities that do not directly contribute to your doctoral thesis. The same goes for faculty funded doctoral students, who should always consult their supervisors before engaging in activities not directly related to their thesis.
Project funded doctoral students will have access to the same sum of money from project funds as faculty funded doctoral students receive for thesis related expenses. These funds will be made available to you at the beginning of you doctoral studies employment.
Are you a project manager and want to recruit a project doctoral student?
Read the guidelines adopted by the department’s team of supervisors here.
Do you have questions regarding your employment or education as a doctoral student? Please, contact:
Assistant Head of Department (Doctoral Studies)
Director of Doctoral Studies
Sara Kalm
Telephone: +46 46 222 01 58
E-mail: sara [dot] kalm [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (sara[dot]kalm[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)