Funding: Doctoral Students
On this page you find information about the following financial topics for doctoral students:
‘Backpack money’
Each doctoral student receives their own so-called ‘backpack money’, officially termed “funds for non-graduated researchers” (in Swedish: “medel för ograduerade forskare”) for expenses associated with their doctoral studies, e.g. literature, conferences, field work.
These funds amount to a total of 40,000 SEK per person. The sources of this sum vary depending on whether the doctoral student is financed through faculty resources, a project, or another arrangement. In order to facilitate planning and transparency, the funds should be made available to project doctoral students at the beginning of the project, as is the default case for regular doctoral students.
Once the new doctoral students start their employment, an individual so-called ‘activity’ (“aktivitet” in Swedish), a unique combination of initials and numbers, will be created in the university-internal economic online systems Lupin, Proceedo and Primula. This activity represents a doctoral student's financial working account. The activity number should be used in Lupin and Proceedo when paying invoices, and in the Primula system when creating a travel bill for reimbursements of costs previously paid from private funds. Remember to always use the Lupin system for any purchases.
For questions about the establishment and use of your activity, please contact the department’s finance officers.
If you are unsure if certain expenses can or should be covered by your backpack money, please check with your supervisors beforehand.
Further information can be found on the site PhD handbook here.
When booking or reporting expenses for a travel-related good or service in the Lupin / Proceedo system, please provide at least the following information in the description field: Name of supplier, type of good or service you are paying for and your activity.
Note that you first need to choose account (Swedish “konto”) when you pay invoices, followed by your activity number. This leads to the format “253091.21.XXXXXX” for regular PhD positions and “253091.35.XXXXXX” for project-financed doctoral student positions (with the final digits being your personal activity number). You can also search for your activity in Lupin / Proceedo by typing in your initials.
Links to LU-staff pages:
Booking business travel (conferences, field work, research stays, etc.)
Reporting expenses for business travel
Books, material & equipment
You should always order books directly through LUPIN. Since 1 April 2019, all purchases in the public sector are required by law to be invoiced electronically.
General information on ordering and invoicing (books, material and other equipment)
Further information about Purchases, invoices, finances can be found on the LU staff pages here.
Applying for additional funding
Do you have questions regarding your employment or education as a doctoral student? Please, contact:
Assistant Head of Department (Doctoral Studies)
Director of Doctoral Studies
Sara Kalm
Telephone: +46 46 222 01 58
E-mail: sara [dot] kalm [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (sara[dot]kalm[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
More information regarding your employment as a doctoral student:
We have compiled information about the level of financing and activity, salaries, extended employment and what to do in case of a conflict with your supervisor.
Contact financial officers
Stefan Alenius
E-mail: stefan [dot] alenius [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (stefan[dot]alenius[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: 046-222 89 35
Sofie Lindmark
E-post: sofie [dot] lindmark [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se
Telefon: 046-222 41 07