LUCRIS and the Research Portal
Here you find information on what you need to register in the LUCRIS system, in order for your profile in the Research Portal to meet the Faculty of Social Sciences' minimum level. At the end of the page you also find all the links you need to get started and how to get support.
For your Research profile
- Current popular science description of your research
In both Swedish and English because information for example entered in the English box is only displayed on the English page in The Research portal, if Swedish text is missing, no information will be displayed in Swedish side. Read more about personal profile on Staff pages - Profile photo
At least 600x600 px Contact Björn Frostner to get your picture taken. It is also a good idea to add a high-resolution image on your personal page for media/press to use.
See for example: Björn Badersten | Statsvetenskapliga institutionen ( - Subject classification
according to the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ Subject Classification) (maximum of three alternatives) to describe your research)
For your Research output
All publications are to be added in accordance with the current vice-chancellor’s decision and linked to the relevant project or activity:
- Articles (in academic journals or other publications/journals)
- Books
- Book chapters
- Conference publications (contributions to proceedings, abstracts on conference websites, posters etc.)
- Reports
Read more about how to enter research output in LUCRIS on Staff pages
For your Projects
Projects are those related to research, commissioned research, doctoral theses (“dissertations” in LUCRIS) or networks.
- Title (in Swedish and English)
- Short project description (in Swedish and English)
- Project participants and their roles in the project. The Project Manager (primary investigator, PI) is responsible for this. (For doctoral thesis projects the doctoral student registers as PI and enters the principal supervisor and supervisor)
- First year and intended final year
- Subject classification according to the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ Subject Classification)
Go to Staff pages for more information about projects and how to create them in LUCRIS
What else can you do that is helpful to both you and LU? (To make the Research Portal really work!)
and get an automatically updated ORCID profile. Why should I connect LUCAT - LUCRIS - ORCID? A connection between the systems enables your ORCID profile to be updated automatically when new publications are registered in LUCRIS.
See more at: ORCID | Staff Pages (
'Highlighted content' in your personal profile in LUCRIS
- Shows the articles you want to be first,
- plus, you get the right format
- with links to other authors,
- and it will also be according to accessibility standards that we must follow.
So please, edit your publication lists in Lucris and save yourself the effort of making your own lists.
See more at: Personal profile | Staff Pages (
Present and connect your research
LUCRIS is a relational database, which means you can create links and relationships between different information objects in the system. For example, you can link publications to projects, which in turn you can link to awards (contracts). You can make the contribution you published after a conference available as a relation to the keynote lecture you gave at the conference. The more such relationships you create, the better the visibility of your research results in the research portal. The information in the database is structured in such a way as to enable searches and compilations showing various aspects of research activities. The system enables automatic retrieval of data for display on other websites.
See more at: LUCRIS | Staff Pages
Present and connect your Research-related activities
such as participation and assignments. The purpose of the module 'Activites' is to highlight the parts of research that are presented, communicated, and made visible in ways other than through publication.
See more at: Activities | Staff Pages (
Some other things you can do and get out of LUCRIS:
Extracting reports and CVs | Staff Pages (
- CV (Curricula Vitae) in a flash,
- Reporting on research projects,
- Reporting on research teams and units,
- Reports for heads of department, research managers, etc.
Fingerprints are keywords that are automatically generated and retrieved from, for example, publications and researchers' presentation texts. The keywords are put together in so-called concepts that are matched against different subject lists.
- Want to improve your Fingerprints? If you are not happy with your Fingerprints, you can turn it off completely, or remove single misleading terms / concepts. Given the upcoming changes, do not spend too much time making your Fingerprint "perfect"
- Want to remove one or all Fingerprints from your profile? See: Personal profile | Staff Pages (
Network / Collaboration Maps
If you do not want the collaboration map on your profile in the Research Portal, you can delete it via your profile in LUCRIS.
See how here: Personal profile | Staff Pages (
Re-using information online
Entering information in one place but displaying it in several. One of the benefits of LUCRIS is to re-use registered information within LU. The work with finding good ways of re-using data on other webpages within LU is an ongoing process.
- Direct link
- Republishing on local web pages
- Access to descriptions by experts and researchers
See more at: Re-using information online | Staff Pages (
All the links you need to get started!
Social Sciences Faculty Library
Maja Carlson
+46 46 222 09 94
maja [dot] carlson [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (maja[dot]carlson[at]sambib[dot]lu[dot]se)
Ann-Sofie Zettergren
+46 46 222 16 92
ann-sofie [dot] zettergren [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (ann-sofie[dot]zettergren[at]sambib[dot]lu[dot]se)
Sara Rondahl
+46 42 35 65 73
sara [dot] rondahl [at] ch [dot] lu [dot] se (sara[dot]rondahl[at]ch[dot]lu[dot]se)
Contact the LUCRIS support
E-mail: servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se (servicedesk[at]lu[dot]se)
Phone: 046-222 90 00
Monday - Friday 8:00-17:00
Web form: