Sweden’s dominant self-narrative has tended to marginalise its historical colonisation of Sápmi. Indeed, there has been little emphasis on the historical subordination of Sámi people in political science scholarship on Swedish exceptionalism and internationalism. This article problematises this absence by centring the analysis on Sámi musician Sofia Jannok’s efforts to decolonise Sápmi through her music. Amongst other things the article explores the tensions between Sámi reindeer herding communities, mining interests and the Swedish state as well as the broad themes in Jannok’s activism.
Annika Bergman Rosamond om "Music, mining and colonisation"
Annika Bergman Rosamond har författat artikeln 'Music, mining and colonisation: Sámi contestations of Sweden’s self narrative,’ publicerad i ett specialnummer om politik och musik i danska statsvetenskapliga tidskriften Politik, Vol. 23:1, 2020.