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Allmänna forskningsseminariet

Höstens program 2024

Det allmänna forskarseminariet är institutionens övergripande seminarium. Institutionens forskare samt inbjudna ledande nationella och internationella forskare och praktiker presenterar pågående forskning och analyser av ett brett spektrum av spännande ämnen med statsvetenskaplig relevans.

Det allmänna forskningsseminariet äger oftast rum onsdagar kl. 13:15–14:30 i Eden 367. Mittseminarier kl. 13:15–14:45. Avvikande tider och plats anges nedan.

Sammankallande: Professor Annika Björkdahl och Professor Fariborz Zelli

Nedan seminarier är öppna för allmänheten. Välkommen att delta!


DatePresenter and Affiliation (if from outside our department) Title / BackgroundChair
04 SeptemberJulia Qian Mao

PhD Plan seminar 

Working title: Political Economy of Biodiversity Financing

Discussant: Robert Klemmensen

Sara Kalm
11 September

Pinar Dinc and Malena Rosén Sundström 


Docent Lectures

Pinar Dinc: Conflict, Environmental Destruction, and Resistance in the Lands of “the Others”’

Malena Rosén Sundström: ‘Chance and Choices’

Annika Björkdahl
18 SeptemberSimon Turner, Department of Sociology, Lund University

‘Futures, Displacement and Conflict in and around Burundi’ 



Annika Björkdahl

19 September, 

NB: Thursday, 13.15 hrs; 
Venue: Eden, room 235 !!!

Jan Selby, Leeds University‘Israel-Palestine through the lens of water’  Roxanna Sjöstedt

25 September


Linn Brolin

PhD Plan seminar

Working title: Capital-labour relations in a changing climate

Discussant: Niklas Altermark

Sara Kalm
02 OctoberDetlef Sprinz, University of Potsdam‘Can We Predict Long‐Term Policy Decisions?’Fariborz Zelli
09 OctoberJason Diakité, LU Honorary Doctor and Madubuko Diakité, LU Raoul-Wallenberg-Institute

Title: TBD

Will speak inter alia about their family history and its political and human rights dimensions.

The Higher Research Seminar: Jason Diakité, LU Honorary Doctor and Madubuko Diakité, LU Raoul-Wallenberg-Institute | Kalenderdelning

Annika Björkdahl


16 October

Isak Svensson, Uppsala University‘Brain Train: Thinking as We Travel?’ Annika Björkdahl
23 OctoberOlaf Corry, University of LeedsMaking things malleable? Weak and strong governance objects, technologies of control, and the transformation of climate change as a problem 
30 OctoberNatalia Chaban – Professor, Director, Research Centre Public Diplomacy and Political Communication Forum (PD-PCF UCTitle:  “Securitization of heritage and the global ‘battle of narratives’:  Communicating Ukraine’s historical and cultural heritage in global media since February 2022”. 
06 November   
13 NovemberMargaux Dandrifosse

PhD Plan seminar: Margaux Dandrifosse

Working title: The Emerging Justice Curse? Investigating the link between the judicialization of violence, extractivism, and civilian victimization during conflicts

Discussant: Jonathan Polk

Sara Kalm
20 NovemberLena Kempermann

PhD Plan seminar: Lena Kempermann

Working title: Many roads lead to the table: Women's differential participation in peace negotiations and their impact on peace agreements

Discussant: Agustín Goenaga

Sara Kalm
27 NovemberKarin Aggestam, Elsa Hedling and Annika Bergman-Rosamond (University of Edinburgh) Presentation of their new book ‘The Politics of Feminist Foreign Policy and Digital Diplomacy’Annika Björkdahl
04 DecemberJohan Alvehus, Department of Service Studies, Lund UniversityTitle: ‘The rise of midocracy: The consequences of an expanded and elevated administration’Mats Fred
11 DecemberMaria Hedlund and Thomas Hickmann

Docent Lectures

Maria Hedlund: ‘Experts and democracy in the context of emerging technologies’

Thomas Hickmann: ‘Multi-level governance dynamics in global sustainability politics’

Fariborz Zelli