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Avhandlingar mellan 1960-1995

De flesta av statsvetenskapliga institutionens doktorsavhandlingar är utgivna i serien Lund Political Studies.

Senaste avhandlingarna

Nedan listas våra senaste avhandlingar med länkar till forskningsportalen där de finns tillgängliga.

Barbara Magalhães Teixeira

The Nature of Peace and the Continuum of Violence in Environmental Conflicts

Lund, 2024

Anna Wieslander

Transatlantic Transitions: Responses to the Russian Threat in the Baltic Sea Region, 2014-2020

Lund, 2024

Caroline Karlsson 

The Prohibitive Condition: The Performativity of the Incest Taboo and its Incestuous Remainders
Lund, 2024

Christie Nicoson

Peace in a Changing Climate: Caring and Knowing the Climate-Gender-Peace Nexus
Lund, 2024

Georgia de Leeuw

The comfort of alignment: Mining, green steel, and killjoy desires in Sweden/Sápmi
Lund, 2024

Elias Isaksson

Between Growth and Sustainability. Exploring the Construction of Sustainable Mobility in Swedish Transport Policy
Lund, 2023

Sindre Gade Viksand

A World of Persons
Lund, 2023

Daniel Gustafsson

The Present People
Lund, 2023

Thorsteinn Kristinsson

Webs of World Order: A Relational Theory of Rising Powers and the Evolution of International Order
Lund, 2022

Katren Rogers

After Asylums and Orphanages
Lund, 2022

Simon Davidsson

The Development of Parliamentarism in Western Europe
Lund, 2022

Daniel Møller Ølgaard

The Technopolitics of Compassion: A Postphenomenological Analysis of the Digital Mediation of Global Humanitarianism
Lund, 2022

Fabio Cristiano

The Blurring Politics of Cyber Conflict: A Critical Study of the Digital in Palestine and Beyond
Lund, 2022

Sarai-Anne Ikenze

Policy Choices in African Structural Adjustment: An Exploration of Sectoral Continuity
Lund, 2022

Maiken Røed

Interest Group Influence on Political Parties in Western Democracies
Lund, 2021

Rickard Andersson

Bridges, Walls, Doors: On Democracy and Nature
Lund, 2021

Jakob Strandgaard

Normative Recursion: on Recursive Grounding and the Capacity for Radical Critique in Formal Pragmatics, Recognition, Social Freedom and Justification
Lund, 2021

Lisa Justesen

The Emerging Outer Space Order: Professional Orders, Heterarchy, Hypermodernity and Political Reason
Lund, 2021

Jenny Lorentzen

Normative Encounters between the ’Global’ and the ’Local’: Women, Peace and Security in Mali and Rwanda
Lund, 2020

Helena Gonzales Lindberg

The constitutive power of maps in the Arctic
Lund, 2019

Mårten Lindberg

Why Sweden suspended military service: The policy process, 1990 to 2009
Lund, 2019

Ina Möller

The Emergent Politics of Geoengineering
Lund, 2019

Mia Orange

Sustaining Authoritarianism: Clientelism and Repression in Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan and Tanzania
Lund, 2019

Björn Östbring

Migrationspolitiska dilemman: Om idealism och realism i liberal politisk teori
Lund, 2019

Elsa Hedling

Blending Politics and New Media: Mediatized Practices of EU Digital Diplomacy
Lund, 2018

Kurtis Boyer

An Autocracy of Empathy: Human-Animal Relations and the Emotional Architecture of Speciesism
Lund, 2018

Josef Chaib

Evidence, Expertise and 'Other' Knowledge: Governing Welfare Collaboration
Lund, 2018

Sandra Engstrand

State Learning and Role Playing: International environmental cooperation in the Arctic Council
Lund, 2018

Ulrika Waaranperä

Histories of land: Politicization, property and belonging in Molo, Kenya
Lund, 2018

Mats Fred

Projectification. The Trojan horse of local government
Lund, 2018

Ivan Gustic

War, peace & the city: urban conflict over peace(s) in the postwar cities of Belfast, Mitrovica, and Mostar
Lund, 2017

Per Andersson

Essays on the Politics of Taxation
Lundm 2017

Linda Alamaa (Nyberg)

Market Bureaucracy : Neoliberalism, Competition, and EU State Aid Policy
Lund, 2017

Klas Nilsson

The Money of Monarchs : The Importance of Non-Tax Revenue for Autocratic Rule in Early Modern Sweden
Lund, 2017

Carlo Michael Knotz

Getting Tough on Unemployment: Essays on the politics of unemployment benefit reform in affluent democracies
Lund, 2016

Sofie Gustafsson

Medborgarskapande på olika villkor: Självbilder, skolkoder och syn på kunskap i den svenska gymnasieskolan
Lund Political Studies, 2016

Cecilia von Schéele

The void. Urban Wasteland as political space
Lund Political Studies, 2016

Niklas Altermark

After Inclusion. Intellectual Disability as Biopolitics
Lund Political Studies, 2016

Tony Ingesson

The Politics of Combat: The Political and Strategic Impact of Tactical-Level Subcultures, 1939-1995
Lund Political Studies, 2016

Tobias Nielsen

Words Matter in the Woods. Discourses on Deforestation in Global Climate Politics
Lund Political Studies, 2016

Emil Edenborg

Nothing more to see: Contestations of belonging and visibility in Russian media
Lund Political Studies, 2016

Annika Fredén

Strategic Voting under Coalition Governments
Lund Political Studies, 2016

Sarah Anne Rennick

The Practice of Politics and Revolution: Egypt's Revolutionary Youth Social Movement
Lund Political Studies, 2015

Jonna Pettersson

Incalculable Community
Lund, 2015

Petter Narby

Time of Crisis: Order, Politics, Temporality
Lund Political Studies 173, 2014

Roger Hildingsson

(051205) Hildingsson, Roger. Governing Decarbonisation: The State and the New Politics of Climate Change
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2014.

Stina Melander

(131206) Kassakultur i förändring. Samspelet mellan organisationskultur och administrativa reformer på Försäkringskassan.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2013

Anders Persson

(130531) Defining, Securing and Building a Just Peace: The EU and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Lund: Department of Political Science, 2013

Nils Gustafsson

(130503) Gustafsson, Nils. Leetocracy. Political participation, social network sites and inequality
Lund: Department of Political Science, 2013

Emma Lund

(130315) Hybrid Governance in Practice - Public and Private Actors in the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism
Lund: Department of Political Science, 2013

Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren

(120604) Planering för framsteg och gemenskap. Om den kommunala utvecklingsplaneringens idémässiga förutsättningar.
Lund: Department of Political Science, 2012

John Hultén

(120525) Ny väg till nya vägar och järnvägar. Finansieringspragmatism och planeringsrationalism vid beslut om infrastrukturinvesteringar.
Lund: Department of Political Science, 2012

Michael Wahman

(120427) Uniting Against Autocrats. Opposition Coordination, Turnovers and Democratization by Elections.
Lund: Department of Political Science, 2012

Rasmus Karlsson

(101217) Three essays on our planetary future.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2010

Björn Fägersten

(101204) Fägersten, Björn. Sharing Secrets. Explaining International Intelligence Cooperation.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2010

Lisa Strömbom

(101112) Revisiting the Past. Israeli identity, thick recognition and conflict transformation.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2010

Sarah Scuzzarello

(100521) Caring Multiculturalism. Local Immigrant Policies and Narratives of Integration in Malmö, Birmingham and Bologna.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2010

Maximilian Conrad

(091212) Between Communication and Community. EU Constitution-Making, a European Public Sphere and the (Un-)likelihood of Transnational Political Debate.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2009

Nesrin Ucarlar

(091030) Between Majority Power and Minority Resistance: Kurdish Linguistic Rights in Turkey
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2009

Åsa Knaggård

(091002) Vetenskaplig osäkerhet i policyprocessen. En studie av svensk klimatpolitik.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2009

Tove Dannestam

(090604) Stadspolitik i Malmö. Politikens meningsskapande och materialitet.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2009

Malena Rosén Sundström

(090123) Förankring av socialdemokratisk EU-politik. Med rum för demokratisk debatt?
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2009

Sara Kalm

(081128) Governing Global Migration

Matilda Broman

(080419) Taking Advantage of Institutional Possibilities and Network Opportunities. Analyzing Swedish Strategic Action in EU Negotiations
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2008

Anna Bolin

(080229) The military profession in change - the case of Sweden (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2008

Maria Hedlund

(071123) Demokratiska genvägar: Expertinflytande i den svenska lagstiftningsprocessen om medicinsk genteknik.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2007

Reyadh Alasfoor

(071015) The Gulf Cooperation Council: Its Nature and Achievements. A Political Analysis of Regional Integration of the GCC States 1979-2004
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2007

Anette Ahrnens

(070602) A Quest for Legitimacy. Debating UN Security Council Rules on Terrorism and Non-proliferation.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2007

Hans Hegeland

(061214) Nationell EU-parlamentatism. Riksdagens arbete med EU-frågorna. (ej fulltext i LUP)
Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press 2006

Fredrik Melander

(061002) Lokal Forskningspolitik Institutionell dynamik och organisatorisk omvandling vid Lunds Universitet 1980–2005
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2006

Anders Hellström

(060607) Bringing Europe Down to Earth
Lund: Department of Political Science 2006

Tomas Niklasson

(060524) Regime Stability and Foreign Policy Change – Interaction Between Domestic and Foreign Policy in Hungary 1956-94.
Lund: Department of Political Science 2006

Maria Strömvik

(050924) To act as a Union. Explaining the Development of the EU's Collective Foreign Policy
Lund: Department of Political Science 2005

Gissur Erlingsson

(050917) Varför bildas nya partier? Om kollektivt handlande och partientreprenörer (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2005

Johannes Stripple

(050916) Climate Change after the International: Rethinking Security, Territory and Authority.(ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Department of Political Science 2005

Tom Nilsson

(050609) Till vilken nytta? Om det lokala politiska deltagandets karaktär, kompatibilitet och konsekvenser
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2005

Christian Fernández

Medborgarskap efter nationalstaten? Ett kontruktivt förslag.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2005

Teresia Rindefjäll

Democracy Beyond the Ballot Box. Citizen Participation and Social Rights in Post-Transition Chile.(ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2005

Ulrika Jerre

(050513) Conflicting Logics? Implementing Capacity and EU Adaption in a Postcommunist Context
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2005

Magdalena Bexell

(050504) Exploring Responsibility. Public and Private in Human Rights Protection
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2005

Staffan Lindberg

(041217) The Power of Elections - Democratic Participation, Competition and Legitimacy in Africa (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2004

Lennart Hellström

(041111) Willy Brandt och Berlinfrågan - en studie i kontinuiteten i Brandts politiska tänkande
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2004

Kristian Sjövik

(040608) Demokrati bortom nationalstaten (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2004

Björn Johnson

(030605) Policyspridning som översättning. Den politiska översättningen av metadonbehandling och husläkare i Sverige
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen och Arbetslivsinstitutet 2003

Peter Santesson-Wilson

(030526) Studier i symbolpolitik
Lund: statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2003

Per Janson

(030425) Den huvudlösa iden - Medborgarlön, välfärdspolitik och en blockerad debatt (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Arkiv förlag 2003

Caroline Boussard

(030328) Crafting Democracy. Civil Society in Post-Transition Honduras
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2003

Björn Badersten

(020607) Medborgardygd. Den europeiska staden och det offentliga rummets etos
Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 2002

Annika Björkdahl

(020524) From Idea to Norm - Promoting Conflict Prevention
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2002

Marie Bengtsson

(020508) Stat och kommun i makt(o)balans. en studie av flyktingmottagandet
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2002

Kristina Jönsson

(020503) Translating Foreign Ideas into Domestic Practices: Pharmaceutical Policies in Laos and Vietnam
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2002

Olivier Danjoux

(020425) L'etat, c'est pas moi. Reframing Citizenship(s) in the Baltic Republics
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2002

Rune Gustafsson

(020201) Syntes och design. Den intellektuelle politikern som konstnär
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2001

Mikael Sundström

(011214) Connecting Social Science and Information Technology. Democratic Privacy in the Information Age.
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2001

Astrid Hedin

(010427) The Politics of Social Networks - Interpersonal Trust and Institutional Change in Post-Communist East Germany (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2001

Karin Bäckstrand

(001218) What Can Nature Withstand? Science, Politics and Discourses in Transboundary Air Pollution Diplomacy (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2000

Rikard Bengtsson

(000516) Trust, Threat, and Stable Peace. Swedish Great Power Perceptions 1905-1939 (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2000

Magnus Ericson

(000321) A Realist Stable Peace: Power, Threat and the Development of a Shared Norwegian-Swedish Democratic Security Identity 1905-1940
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2000

Erika Svedberg

(000119) The "Other" Recreated. A Relational Approach to East-West Negotiations. (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2000

Mikael Spång

(991208) Justice and Society: Problems of Reformist Politics (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 1999

Martin Hall

(991123) Constructing Historical Realism: International Relations as Comparative History
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 1999

Jonas Tallberg

(991119) Making States Comply: The European Commission, the European Court of Justice, and the Enforcement of the Internal Market
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 1999

Karin Aggestam

(991015) Reframing and Resolving Conflict. Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations 1988-1998
Lund: Lund University Press 1999

Maria Sönne

(990428) Administrative Reforms and the Quest for Foreign Investment in China - The Case of Shenzhen(ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Lund University Press 1999

Patrik Hall

(980610) The Social Construction of Nationalism: Sweden as an Example (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Lund University Press 1998

Jakob Gustavsson

(980429) The Politics of Foreign Policy Change. Explaining the Swedish Reorientation on EC Membership
Lund: Lund University Press 1998

Peter Söderholm

(970526) Global Governance of AIDS: Partnerships with Civil Society
Lund: Lund University Press 1997

Ted Gogote Badom

(970415) Foreign Intervention in International Wars (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 1997

Karl Magnus Johansson

(970428) Transnational Party Alliances: Analysing the Hard-Won Alliance Between Conservatives and Christian Democrats in the European Parliament
Lund: Lund University Press 1997

Annika Thunborg

(970507) Public and Non-Profit Interaction ­ U.S. Assistance to Eastern European Media 1989-1995 (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 1997

Annica Kronsell

(970228) Greening the EU: Power Practices, Resistances and Agenda Setting
Lund: Lund University Press, 1997

Ronny Andersson

(970219) The Citizens, the Politicians and the Health-care. A study of Attitudes and Democracy. / Medborgarna, politikerna och sjukvården. En studie av attityder och demokrati. (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1997

Utz Lars McKnight

(961104) Political Liberalism and the Politics of Race: Beyond Perfectionism and Culture. (ej fulltext i LUP)
(Avhandling som ej ingår i Lund Political Studies)
Lund: Lund University Press, 1996

Kristian Steiner

(961030) Strategies for International Legitimacy, A Comparative Study of Elite Behavior in Ethnic Conflicts (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Lund University Press, 1996

Per Larsson

(960828) International Environmental Regime Negotiations. A Study of the LRIAP- Convention Negotiations. / Regimförhandlingar på miljöområdet. En studie av för­hand­lingarna om LRTAP-konventionen. (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institu­tio­nen, 1996

Ingvar Mattson

(960514) Bargaining Parliamentarianism: A Comparative Study of the Swedish Riksdag and the Danish Folketing / Förhandlingsparlamentarism. En jämförande studie av riksdagen och folketinget. (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Lund University Press, 1996

Teferi Sendabo

(960530) Foreign Aid and State Sovereignty: The Ethio-Swedish Aid Co-operation
Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1996

Ylva Stubbergard

(960513) Stat, kris och demokrati. Lapporörelsens inflytande i Finland 1929-32. / The State, Crisis and Democracy. The influence of the Lapua Movement in Finland 1929-1932.(ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Arkiv, 1996

Dennis Westlind

(960509) The Politics of Popular Identity: Understanding Recent Populist Movements in Sweden and the United States (ej fulltext i LUP)
Lund: Lund University Press, 1996