Forskningsgruppen Politik och genus
Forskningsgruppen Politik och genus (Gender and Politics Research Group) består av lärare och forskare som med ett genusperspektiv studerar makt, institutioner, normer och identiteter.
Genus är alltmer framträdande inom forskning och undervisning hos oss på Statsvetenskapliga institutionen. Medlemmarna i denna forskningsgrupp närmar sig genuspolitiken från olika teoretiska och metodologiska perspektiv. Ett antal forskare är intresserade av diskussioner om kön och säkerhet med tonvikt på diplomati, genus vid fredsbevarande arbete och kvinnor i krig. Gruppmedlemmarna bedriver även forskning med fokus på genus och utveckling inom områden som hållbar utveckling och kvinnors makt.
Gruppen möts flera gånger under en termin för att diskutera utkast till artiklar, artiklar och böcker som någon gruppmedlem föreslår.
Nya medlemmar och gästforskare är välkomma till denna forskningsgrupp.
Markus Holdo
E-mail: markus [dot] holdo [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (markus[dot]holdo[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Orlanda Siow
E-mail: orlanda [dot] siow [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (orlanda[dot]siow[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Medlemmar vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
- Abdelmoez, Joel
- Brolin, Linn
- Dandrifosse, Margaux
- Ekström, Hanna
- El-Husseini Dean, Rola
- Gregoratti, Catia
- Holdo, Markus (Sammankallande)
- Imre-Millei, Bibi
- Kalm, Sara
- Karlsson, Caroline
- Kempermann, Lena
- Magalhaes Teixeira, Barbara
- Nicoson, Christie
- Norocel, Ov Christian
- Pacciardi, Agnese
- Siow, Orlanda (Sammankallande)
- Stein, Anne Lene
- Taha, Hebatalla
Medlemmar utanför Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
Kollegor från genusstudier, ekonomisk historia, humangeografi, Malmö universitet, Göteborgs universitet, Köpenhamns universitet, Svenska institutet för internationella frågor, Aalborgs universitet och Freie Universität Berlin.
30 January, 12:00-13:00 “Re-enchanting neo-Gramscian theory with love”
Catia Gregoratti and Erik Andersson present their current work.
11 februari, 12:00-13:00
18 March 12-13 What should intersectionality mean?
Orly Siow presents her paper “From inclusion to transformation: Politics & Gender as a critical actor for intersectional political science”.
Cancelled: 16 April, 12.15-13.45 Speaking About Palestine.
More info TBA
28-29 April – Workshop: Gendering Militarization in Europe: technologies, borders & resistance. During two days we meet with colleagues in Lund and from other universities to discuss current work on various trends related to militarization in Europe.
If you’d like to participate, please respond to this call for papers:
June 3, 12:00-13:00 Depletion: The Human Costs of Caring
Ted Svensson begins the conversation with reflections on the recent book by Shirin M. Rai.
August 22, 12.00-13.00
Gender and Politics Research Group: “Feminist Political Science and Feminist Politics”
Welcome to an open conversation about whether research on gender and politics should be feminist and what that means.
We begin the conversation with a brief introduction based on Marian Sawer’s article “Feminist Political Science and Feminist Politics”. You find the article here:
September 2, 12.00-13.00
October 9, 12.00-13.15
November 6, 12.00-13.00
November 19, 12.00-13.00
Welcome to a discussion on the “International Men’s Day” about men’s roles in feminist movements. Markus Holdo will begin the discussion by presenting work in progress and some reflections on others’ research on masculinity and men’s activism.
December 3 12:00 to 13:00 | Location: Large Conference Room, Eden (Ed 367)
Jointly organized with the Peace and International Politics Research Group | Location: Large Conference Room, Eden (Ed 367)
Link to the article:
- 1 February (Ed 366, noon): Reading and discussion of Brännström and Gunneflo’s “Swedish Foreign Policy Feminisms: Women, Social Democracy and Capitalism”, Australian Feminist Law Journal, 47:2, 207-227.
- 6 March (room TBC by Dalia, 14:30-16:00): Reading and discussion of Nancy Fraser and Rahel Jaeggi’s Capitalism: A Conversation in Critical Theory (introduction and chapter 1). Co-organised with Public Administration and Political Theory research groups.
- 24 April 2023 (Ed 367, 13:15-14:30): Higher research seminar with Maria Martin de Almagro (University of Ghent) “Gender, Natural Resources and Conflict Prevention: Politics, Matter and Imaginaries”.
- 7 May (Ed 366, noon): Reading and discussion of Françoise Vergès’s A Feminist Theory of Violence: A Decolonial Perspective.
20 September 2023 12:15 to 14:30 | Research group meeting
Planning meeting followed by higher research seminar with Nicola Pratt (University of Warwick).
Gender and Politics Research Group | Svetnet (
3 October 2023 12:00 to 13:00 | Research group meeting
Mona Krook (Rutgers University) will be presenting her work on semiotic violence and the US Capitol insurrection. This event is also co-sponsored by the Department of Gender Studies.
Gender and Politics Research Group and Comparative Politics Research Group | Svetnet (
11 October 2023 12:15 to 13:00 | Research group meeting
Joel Abdelmoez (Lund University) "Whose Islam is it? The challenges of employing a gendered methodology in Islamic Studies”.
Gender and Politics Research Group | Svetnet (
14 November 2023 12:00 to 13:00 | Research group meeting
Elin Bjarnegård (Uppsala University) “Rigging Representation: Procedural Autocratic Genderwashing”.
Gender and Politics Research Group and Comparative Politics Research Group | Svetnet (
Gender and Politics Research Group: Feminism and the state
19 September 2022 12:15 to 13:00 | Research group meeting
Gender and Politics Research Group: The Sexual Contract
11 October 2022 12:15 to 13:00 | Research group meeting
Gender and Politics Research Group: Gendering externalisation
15 November 2022 12:15 to 13:00 | Research group meeting
24 February
Reading of “Troubling False Care: Towards a More Revolutionary ‘Care Revolution’ in the University” by Ann E. Bartos
17 March
Dr. Maj Grasten (Copenhagen Business School) and Dr. Miriam Bak McKenna (Roskilde University) “Legal Borderlands in the Global Care Economy”
19 April
Professor Hanne Marlene Dahl (Roskilde University University) “A Care Crisis in the Nordic Welfare State?”
13 May
Reading of “A critical reflexive politics of location, ‘feminist debt’ and thinking from the Global South” with Professor Sumi Madhok (LSE)
24 May
Dr. Priscyll Anctil (Lund University) and Dr. Luna K C (McGill University) “‘Bad Women?’ Re-integration of Female Combatants in Nepal and Colombia”
16 september
Group Discussion “How gender equal is Sweden?”
8 oktober
Dr. Claire Duncanson (University of Edinburgh)“Feminist Engagements with Green New Deals”
12 oktober
Dr. Gunnhildur Lily Magnusdottir (Malmö University) and Prof. Annica Kronsell (Gothenburg University) “Gender, intersectionality and climate institutions in industrialized states”
30 november
Nela Porobić Isaković and Gorana Mlinarevic (WILPF)“The Peace that is Not. 25 years of experimenting with peace in Bosnia and Herzogovina - feminist critique of neoliberal approaches to peace building”.
20 maj
Workshop med doktorander:
- Caroline Karlsson “The knowledge production of the incest taboo”
- Georgia de Leeuw “On emotions”
- Jessica Cheung “Feminist Foreign Policy: A typology”
10 maj
Dr. Cristian Norocel, (Lunds universitet) “The Discursive Contours of Retrogressive Mobilization in the 2018 ‘Referendum for Family’ in Romania” (med Ionela BĂLUȚĂ, Bukarests universitet, Rumänien).
28 april
Dean Cooper-Cunningham (Köpenhamns universitet) “Security, Sexuality, and Memes: International Contestation of Russian Political Homophobia”.
19 april
Workshop med doktorander:
- Anne Stein “Linking Peace and Resistance: The idea of agonistic peace epistemic disruptions”
- Christie Nicoson “Feminist peace and the politics of climate change”
- Leila Sunagic “The Formation of Diverse Social Movement Coalition: The Art of Balancing. A Case study of the Women’s Movement in Morocco”
25 februari
Dr. Emily Flore St. Denny (Köpenhamns universitet) "Policy learning to reduce inequalities: The case of Scottish gender mainstreaming in a multi-level UK".
16 december
Dr. Pauline Stoltz (Aalborgs universitet) “Gender, resistance and transnational memories of violent conflicts”
23 november
Dr. Douglas Brommesson (Lunds universitet) “Teach more, but do not expect any applause": Are women doubly discriminated against in universities' recruitment processes”
21 september
Gruppdiskussion: Feministiska solidariteter
Forskargruppernas seminarier
Länk till gemensamma kalendern för Research Group Meetings!