PhD Plan seminar: Margaux Dandrifosse
Title: The Emerging Justice Curse? Investigating the link between the judicialization of violence, extractivism, and civilian victimization during conflicts
Abstract: Margaux´s project examines how the growing threat of prosecution at the international level for atrocity crimes impact the behaviour that state and transnational corporate actors adopt towards civilians in conflict zones. Particularly, it investigates how this potential change in behaviour unfolds more prominently or differently in natural resources-rich areas. Bringing together theories of civil wars studies, corporate accountability, and international criminal justice, Margaux aims to pursue her research with a mixed-methods approach. She plans to combine a large-N statistical analysis using micro-level data on various forms of violent behaviours in conflict zones together with a comparative case study analysis to shed light on the causal mechanisms linking international criminal justice initiatives and behaviour within conflict zones.
Discussant: Jonathan Polk
Om evenemanget
Large Conference Room, Eden (Ed 367)
Sara [dot] Kalm [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se